JYOU 1st exhibition 展示販売会 開催/2023.10.6 (Fri), 7 (Sat), 8 (Sun), 9 (Mon)

JYOU 1st exhibition 展示販売会 開催/2023.10.6 (Fri), 7 (Sat), 8 (Sun), 9 (Mon)

JYOU 1st exhibition 展示販売会
「伝統と日常をかけあわせ、あなたと共に未来へつなぐ。」をコンセプトに、日本人の手先の器用さが光る美しい伝統工芸を、もっとたくさんの人に「知ってほしい」という想いからはじまったブランド【JYOU】。「伝統工芸の技」と「作り手の想い」と共に、日々の生活の中で身近に感じる商品を、一つ一つ心を込めてお作りしています。10月7,8,9日の1st exhibitionでは、手毬・水引・蜻蛉玉・着物リメイク作品の展示販売会を行います。
"JYOU" is a brand that was started with the concept of "Connecting tradition and daily life to the future together with you. "JYOU" is a brand that was started with the concept of "combining tradition and daily life, and connecting them to the future with you", with the hope that more people would become aware of the beautiful traditional crafts that Japanese people are so skillful with their hands. At the 1st exhibition on October 7, 8, and 9, we will exhibit and sell Temari, Mizuhiki, Dragonfly Ball, and Kimono Remake works.
[2023年 JYOUイベント開催予定 | JYOU Events in
2023.10.6 (Fri), 7 (Sat), 8 (Sun), 9 (Mon)
[東文化会館 ギャラリー | Gallery, Higashi Bunka
Access : 1084-136 Kitanoda, Higashi-ku, Sakai City